Nov 3, 2015

Fall Essentials Part 2

 Alright loves today my Fall Essentials #2 items are............long cardigans! I really was kinda iffy about this new trend and especially only being 5'2 I didn't want it to make me look shorter. But none the less, I went out and bought one, actually two lol and I LOVE them!!! Since I only live in a town of 9,000 ish there's not a lot of options for shopping. So me and my AMAZING mother in law went shopping at another town about 45 minutes away. Not a huge huge town but they at least have a Target and a JcPenny's there. AND, the one i'm wearing I got for an amazing deal!! Right now its 10 off 25 at Jcpennys so this cardigan I'm wearing was regularly 70 but they were having a one day sale, the day I went, where it was 50% off. So after the normal price went down to 35 I got 10 off that, THEN I had another 10 of 25 from being on their rewards program so I ended up getting the sweater for 15 dollars! Confusing I know lol but so worth it!! P.S I live 9 miles out of town so thats why it looks like i'm in the middle of the woods!

Here are the links to the two cardigans I bought #1 #2 
My shoes are from JustFab they are called "River" and everything else is from OldNavy